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Congratulations on accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior. You have made the most important decision of your life. The angels in heaven are literally rejoicing because of the decision that you have made and we at Ecclesia of Living Waters Ministries are still rejoicing as well.
In order to help you continue to grow in your faith and walk in the plan God has for your life, please take a moment to read the following keys to your spiritual growth.

How do I become a member?A person must confess to the Lord Jesus Christ as their savior, according to the scripture stating, "If you declare with your mouth, " Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. or it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved." (Romans 10:9-10 NIV), and the invitation to join the church at the time of the benediction, and at the same time, church membership is open for visitors.
What is expected of me as a new member?As a new member you will be expected to: regularly attend and participate in worship services participate in weekly bible study serve in a ministry give financially as a consistent tither spread the gospel
Why should I complete New Member classes?New member classes are important because they help new members understand the mission, vision and values of Ecclesia of Living Waters Ministries. After completing classes, new members will feel more a part of the EOLW community and will also be able to participate in ministry.
Which translation of the Bible do you use?Various translations are used to give an understanding of God’s Word. The New Living Translation (NLT) and the New International Version (NIV) are the standard version for our scripture readings. Choose a bible that is personal to you and bring it with you to all services that you may compare what is being taught with the Word of God.
How does a person become baptized at EOLW?Water baptisms are held on the third Sunday of each month; providing a person has confessed to the "Lord Jesus Christ" as their savior and completed discipleship classes, then a person will be given a date and time of water baptism.
Is there a dress code? How do I dress for church?You can expect a variety of dress styles among the congregation. You may dress however you are comfortable. We just ask that your dress be respectful to the other congregants as well as to yourself (i.e. no clothing or items that would be considered offensive because of graphics, language or message or of a provocative nature). Third Sunday is Communion Sunday so leaders dress in official clergy attire. Fourth Sunday is Youth Sunday so casual wear or jeans are appropriate for all attendees including clergy.
How often is Communion served at EOLW?Communion is served on the third Sunday of each month.
Does EOLW provide Sunday worship services for children?Yes, EOLW provides a children’s church at 11:30 AM for ages 4 years old to 12 years old. Children's church provides Bible study, games, and Superbooks videos and games.
My question isn't listed here. Who can I ask?You may contact the church office via phone Monday – Friday 9am – 6pm or email us at
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